Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ten Happy Things

I was invited to share ten things that make me happy. I am glad to do so. Indeed having so many things to be grateful for, how could I not? To keep the list flowing, I list them in no particular order, without the strain of even designating them a top ten; they are ten good things, and there are more.

  • The running, welcoming hug that I get when I come home and enter the door. Recently, it is most often daughter Maggie that greets me so joyfully. No matter what the day has contained prior to this, this moment feels so right.
  • Liberty and choice. I can choose for myself. When I need or want a change, it is mine to attempt.
  • Memory. I am glad for the continuity and meaning the past brings to my current moment, as well as for the occasions to just think back and remember good times.
  • That cool, clean glass of water when I am thirsty that just hits the right spot. It satisfies and refreshes. Nothing could make it any better.
  • Connection and conversation with another person. This grows even better with friendship.
  • Music. What a way to transport into emotion, especially when you can participate in it. The variety and subtleties of the energies and feelings in it make me feel more alive.
  • Faith. There is so much that could be said here. I will highlight the difference it makes to me to feel that God loves me, to know that whatever might be going on right now that it is going to be OK.
  • Laughter. Would it be like having to explain a joke, to explain why laughter and humor enhance happiness?
  • Work. There is something fulfilling about having something worth doing and trying to do it well.
  • Of course I must say my family!
That is ten for now. Good night.


  1. An excellant 10. I'm so proud of you, Todd. In every way. I can just picture that little Maggie running to hug you. I love you and love hearing what makes you happy.

  2. Hi Todd,

    reading to your post brought to me the following quote:
    "We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have" ~Frederick Keonig

    Thank you for sharing with us some of the things you are grateful for.


  3. Wonderful list of big things [freedom] and little [glass of water] -- thanks.

  4. I always remember the loving, satisfying hugs from your children. Especially memorable was the one from your darling daughter #1 who said, after following her brother's example and giving me a generous hug, "Who ARE you?" REC
